Natural Delivery

Natural delivery, or vaginal delivery, is appropriate for low-risk, healthy expectant moms who show no indication for a cesarean section  Natural delivery is a delivery method that humans have used for thousands of years. It is a time when mothers will have the most wonderful experience of seeing their little ones enter the world for the first time.   Compared to caesarean sections, natural births have several benefits, including safer for the mother and the child, requires shorter hospital stay and recovery time compared to cesarean section and improves the immune system of the baby.  Procedures  Natural delivery consists of 3...
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Total Knee Replacement

Total Knee Replacement is a surgical procedure used to treat patients with osteoarthritis by replacing the damaged or deteriorated surface of the knee joint with artificial knee joint. This procedure is beneficial for patients with the following indications: The common symptoms of knee osteoarthritis are pain, freezing or stiffness in the knee joint. The warning signs are pain on the inside and rear of the knee. In knee osteoarthritis, pain occurs when the knee joint is used such as when while walking or exercising. Patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis report stiffness or limited range of motion. Furthermore, they frequently have...
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9-valent HPV vaccine protect against 9 disease

Important Information  Currently, there are 3 types of HPV vaccines available: 2-valent, 4-valent, and 9-valent vaccines  Effectively prevents non-cancerous HPV infections, including genital and anal warts, cervical cancer, anal cancer, vaginal cancer, and penile cancer  Recommended for women and men aged 9-45 years  Two doses with 6-week interval between the first and second doses  Vaccine efficacy  Provide 99%* protection against cervical cancer induced by HPV-16 and HPV-18  Provide 90%* protection against cervical cancer induced by other HPV types  Provide 90%* protection against genital warts.  Safety  Certified by the Food and Drug Administration (Thai FDA) of Thailand and other countries  There...
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Transvaginal Ultrasound

Sometimes a typical vaginal examination may be insufficient to detect anomalies for certain prevalent disorders that affect women. Transvaginal ultrasound can identify cancerous cells or benign tumors. Additionally, transvaginal ultrasound enhances diagnostic precision and facilitates earlier and more effective illness diagnosis and treatment. A tiny, high-frequency sound probe is placed into the vagina during transvaginal ultrasound to get a clear view of the pelvic organs. This covers the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and cervix. It is useful for identifying anomalies in the pelvic floor or for determining internal organ structures. Transvaginal ultrasound is also helpful for monitoring and confirming pregnancy....
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How Can Hyperbaric Medicine Help You

Is hyperbaric medicine right for you? Bangkok Hospital Siriroj was one of the first medical facilities to introduce a Hyperbaric Chamber Facility to Thailand. Here’s how it may be able to help you.     What is hyperbaric medicine? Although oxygen is what sustains human life, when you breathe in, you are actually inhaling a blend of gases that make up the Earth’s atmosphere. In a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, patients inhale pure, undiluted oxygen in a special environment where the air pressure is triple what it would normally be.       What are some of the benefits of hyperbaric...
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Safer Scuba

Thailand is blessed with amazing marine life and crystal-clear waters, making it one of the best places in the world to go scuba diving. As much fun as it is, diving carries certain risks, which is why Bangkok Hospital Siriroj has a Hyperbaric Chamber Facility. Here are some tips to stay safe when you take the plunge.   Make sure all of your gear is in top condition. All it takes is one busted air tank or leaky wetsuit to turn an ordinary dive into a life-threatening situation. Avoid unnecessary risk by double- and triple-checking all of your equipment.  ...
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